Featured Post: Fresh Dew on Butterflies

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About Fresh Dew on Butterflies:
Steam Level: 6/6 – Spicy, detailed, explicit

When Douglas begins an affair with his stunning, yet prim colleague Nguyet, neither of them could anticipate what a wild ride it would become. Not only their intimacy grows, but also their susceptibility to temptation. On their cavalcade of unbridled lust, they also meet others, equally liable to sin, so that even an orgy circle forms in their nondescript place in Central Vietnam.
Initially, Nguyet had resisted Douglas’ advances, of course, but then sensed that he offered what she simply couldn’t gain just by herself: sexual gratification, sure, but also the liberation from rigid, stifling social norms. Tired of waiting for the proverbial Mr. Right, Nguyet takes her destiny in her own, elegant hands, after their first tryst.
Which is, more or less, true for all the other young ladies in this volume, which has been compiled to allow inclined readers easy access to THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE, an extensive, 200-novella-series of erotic stories,
This compilation should appeal to all readers who have, at some point in their life, felt regret and frustration that classy literature usually ends in front of closed bedroom doors, while porn begins without foreplay, denying the development of erotic build-up and sizzling tension.
THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE tries to bridge the gap between humans as cultural and natural beings, as sexuality is located exactly at that interface. Readers are invited to witness Douglas’ sensual pursuits with the young ladies in their sleepy little town in Central Vietnam.
As varied as the episodes are, they all have one theme in common: Ultimately, they tell captivating tales of liberation from confining moral norms. All chapters are meant to entertain, amuse, and – in the best case – stimulate, without slipping into crudity.
All light-hearted novellas here are told in a very revealing, tongue-in-cheek manner and, in passing, offer insights into Vietnamese culture. Without taboos, the episodes explore the sources and dynamic of erotic desire and lure the reader under the spell of an exotic, erotic world.

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Author Bio:

After living in Germany and the U.S. for most of his life, Douglas ventured in the opposite direction in 2010: first, he taught at a community college in the South Seas for three years, before settling in Vietnam. Naturally, his writing reflects his undying love for Southeast Asian women.

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