by My Adult Place | BDSM, Featured Books, Kindle/E-Book
About Getting Tamed: Steam Level: 5 Aponi Two Rivers, the most beautiful member of her tribe, and her two most lovely friends are on a visit to Mason Ranch. They are trying to better understand the ponygirl business. They should be careful what they wish for! The...
by My Adult Place | Erotica, Featured Books, Kindle/E-Book
About Strange Sex at the Ponygirl Ranch: Steam Level: 5 Doctor Krista McDonald knows she needs to leave the lesbian ponygirl ranch from hell as soon as possible, ideally days ago, but there is a mystery at Mason Ranch. The lead Mistress at the ranch, Dixie Mason, is...
by My Adult Place | BDSM, Featured Books, Kindle/E-Book
About Doctor Krista McDonald Versus Crazy Maisie: Steam Level: 5 Doctor Krista McDonald is in a predicament. She’s stuck at a lesbian ponygirl ranch, her transportation taken and her freedom at risk. All the women at the ranch are dominant lesbians, they all seem to...